Megan Rix visited Lindley Junior School - September 2018
Author Megan Rix visited Lindley Junior School to talk about her books and her work training assistance dogs. By far the most exciting part was when Bella and Freya, two rather excitable golden retrievers entered the hall, especially when the bag of treats was dropped and they gobbled them up quicker than anything I have ever seen!
It was fascinating learning about some of the roles dogs (and other animals) played in the two world wars. We watched an old news reel of dogs parachuting out of a plane. One of them wagged their tail the whole time. They found bombs; located people trapped under bombed out buildings; delivered things. Megan's latest book is called The Paw House and is about an animal rescue centre that has lots of animals, not just dogs. Signed copies are currently available in the bookshop.
It was fascinating learning about some of the roles dogs (and other animals) played in the two world wars. We watched an old news reel of dogs parachuting out of a plane. One of them wagged their tail the whole time. They found bombs; located people trapped under bombed out buildings; delivered things. Megan's latest book is called The Paw House and is about an animal rescue centre that has lots of animals, not just dogs. Signed copies are currently available in the bookshop.
Apprentice Witch Author, James Nicol - September 2018
We were on the road again with James and his Apprentice Witch books. This time visiting Linthwaite Clough and Moorlands Primary Schools. Beatrice the toad made an appearance and another poor teacher had to dress up as a witch.
The Tiger Who Came to Tea 50th Birthday Party, June 2018
The Tiger who Came to Tea by Judith Kerr is 50 years old this year and to celebrate we had a tea party in the reading garden at Lindley Library. We heard the story, did craft activities, had face painting, ate tiger biscuits, played pin the tail on the tiger, but best of all (for most children anyway) we had a visit from the Tiger himself. Fortunately he didn't eat everything or drink all of Daddy's beer, in fact he was very well behaved (he was probably too hot to misbehave.)
Bollywood Dancing and Storytelling - June 2018
Salma Zaman visited the shop. We learnt some Bollywood dancing moves and then listened to "Help, I Can't Find My Bhangra Pants", Zalma's new book.
Ben Faulks (aka Mr Bloom) signing books in the Bookshop - October 2017
Ben Faulks visited the bookshop to sign books for enthusiastic children and the parents.
Thanks to Rositsa Maslenikova for some of these photos.
Lindley Scarecrow Festival - October 2017
We took part in the inaugural community scarecrow festival. The lovely Amelia created Harry O'Hay and Betty O'Barley from Julia Donaldson's book, The Scarecrow's Wedding. We won Best Dressed Scarecrows!!! There were some amazing scarecrows. Here are some pictures of some of them.
Dion Leonard and Gobi the Dog at Moorlands Primary and Lindley Junior Schools - July 2017

Dion Leonard is an ultra marathon runner (he runs very long distances) and on one of his races in China a stray dog started running alongside Dion and stayed with him for the entire race (about 80 miles).
He decided he wanted to adopt the dog so went home to make arrangements but then Gobi went missing! This is the story of how Dion went back out to China to find this little dog he'd fallen in love with. They were a huge hit with the children, so much so that we sold out of books!
There are both adult and children's version available.
He decided he wanted to adopt the dog so went home to make arrangements but then Gobi went missing! This is the story of how Dion went back out to China to find this little dog he'd fallen in love with. They were a huge hit with the children, so much so that we sold out of books!
There are both adult and children's version available.
Jeremy Strong at Reinwood Junior and Lindley Junior School - June 2017
Jeremy Strong (or Jermy or even Germany Strong) has written 107 books - so far. He writes in a shed (studio!) at the bottom of the garden and his essential item is a fridge which contains fruit and CHOCOLATE! He has a guard cat called Jeeves and a flying cow! (not a real one obviously). His books are very funny, especially the ones with "bottom" in the title. His newest title is "My Brother's Famous Bottom Makes a Splash".
Peter Bunzl visits Burnley Road Academy, Mytholmroyd - May 2017
Peter Bunzl, author of Cogheart and Moonlocket, Victorian steampunk adventures, visited Burnley Rd Academy. He talked about airships, robots, penny dreadfuls and deportment. The questions from the children were excellent.
School Events with Steve Webb and Chris Mould - March 2017
Author and illustrator of Spangles McNasty and the Fish of Gold and now Spangles McNasty and the Tunnel of Doom visited Moldgreen Primary School and Lindley Junior School. They are very silly so of course the kids loved them. I laughed a lot!
World Book Day becomes world book week in the book shop! We visited two schools, Beech Hill Primary School, Halifax and Moldgreen Community School, Huddersfield, visited Crossley Hall Primary and Princeville Primary in Bradford with author Vivian French and Paddock Junior School and Luddendenfoot Academy visited the shop to buy books and swap their vouchers. On Saturday we went to the Fun Day at North Huddersfield Trust School, organised by Huddersfield Literary Festival. It was exhausting but fun.
Abi Elphinstone Visits Huddersfield Grammar School, February 2017
Abi was invited to Huddersfield Grammar School and we got to listen to her too. She was excellent and we are hoping she will visit Huddersfield again when other schools will get chance to see her.
Abi is author of The Dream Snatcher trilogy, Shadow Keeper being the second and the third book in her trilogy has just come out, The Night Spinner.
Abi is author of The Dream Snatcher trilogy, Shadow Keeper being the second and the third book in her trilogy has just come out, The Night Spinner.
Andy Seed Author event - November 2016
Andy visited 2 schools, Battyeford Primary School and Moorlands Primary School.
In answer to the frequently asked question - "Where do you get your inspiration from?" - he told the hilarious tale of how he and his friend Phil set up a contraption to shoot Phil's annoying little brother David in the forehead with a dart gun, with unpredictable results! It didn't stop him playing more pranks and this was the inspiration for "Prankenstein" a prank playing monster. He read from the latest Prankenstein book - Prankenstein on Tour - where Soapy's Mum get's kidnapped by pirates.
In answer to the frequently asked question - "Where do you get your inspiration from?" - he told the hilarious tale of how he and his friend Phil set up a contraption to shoot Phil's annoying little brother David in the forehead with a dart gun, with unpredictable results! It didn't stop him playing more pranks and this was the inspiration for "Prankenstein" a prank playing monster. He read from the latest Prankenstein book - Prankenstein on Tour - where Soapy's Mum get's kidnapped by pirates.

He also shared some silly facts from his Silly Book of Side Splitting Stuff and, most popular, had a knock knock joke session!

The children then had the opportunity to meet Andy and have their books signed.
The children then had the opportunity to meet Andy and have their books signed.
Half Term Activities - October 2016
Susin Nielsen Visit to Huddersfield October 2016
Susin Nielsen, author of "We are all made of Molecules", "Word Nerd", and "The Reluctant Journal of Henry K Larsen" was visiting the UK and Ireland and we were lucky enough to host a visit to Huddersfield. She visited Heckmondwike Grammar School, Royds Hall Community School and Moor End Academy where she talked to us about how she became a writer and her books and answered lots and lots and lots of questions. Her books are contemporary fiction which tackle emotive subjects with a light touch and plenty of humour. You come away feeling uplifted and loving the characters. I had a brilliant time with her and so apparently did the students at Moor End Academy who have formed a "Susin Nielsen Appreciation Society"!!!!
What we found out:
Susin lives in Vancouver, Canada now, but moved around a lot as a child
She is not prepared to tell you her age!
She started off writing for TV.
She loved reading "To Kill a Mockingbird", and re-read it recently.
If she wasn't a writer she might have been a teacher.
She liked English at school but was rubbish at Math(s)! You can't be good at everything.
Susin's books are considered by some to be controversial!!
Whilst she was in the UK she visited the Bronte Parsonage.
Celebrating Bookshop Day October 2016
Saturday, October 8th was bookshop day, celebrating all bookshops on the high street. We had author Jason Beresford visiting in the morning. Following his day at Lindley Junior School, the children were so inspired we ran out of books plus many wanted the second in the series. He came back to sign them again. Check out his books - The Fabulous Four Fish Fingers and Frozen Fish Fingers.
We also had the annual "guess how many books are in the bag" competition; discounts, and Jaffa cakes, plus freebies.
Look out for it next year.
We also had the annual "guess how many books are in the bag" competition; discounts, and Jaffa cakes, plus freebies.
Look out for it next year.
Jason Beresford temp Saturday girl!
Author Event at Lindley Junior School with Katherine Rundell September 2016

We had a brilliant event at Lindley Junior School with Katherine Rundell, author of The Wolf Wilder, Rooftoppers and The Girl Savage.
What we learned:
Great stories need the following ingredients - characters, a place, a "what if" and a first sentence. Oh and food which gives it human heart.
Kate always tries out any food she includes in her books, which is why she caught and ate piranhas in the Amazon.
She always researches her books carefully which is how she ended up in the Amazon river fully clothed swimming with pink dolphins. What did she learn? That everything in your pockets end up at the bottom of the Amazon river if you jump in fully clothed.
She gets her best ideas when she is flying a plane, just as she is taking off. As this is not very convenient, her second favourite place is on top of high buildings (but she doesn't recommend this to anyone else!)
There are no wolf wilders in real life. However, there are lion wilders in Zimbabwe.
If you are thinking of names or ideas, often it is the FOURTH one that is the best.
She loves the English language. One tiny little mark on a page makes a big difference as in the following two sentences:
"You need to eat, Grandad." Kind.
"You need to eat Grandad." Unkind and illegal!
What we learned:
Great stories need the following ingredients - characters, a place, a "what if" and a first sentence. Oh and food which gives it human heart.
Kate always tries out any food she includes in her books, which is why she caught and ate piranhas in the Amazon.
She always researches her books carefully which is how she ended up in the Amazon river fully clothed swimming with pink dolphins. What did she learn? That everything in your pockets end up at the bottom of the Amazon river if you jump in fully clothed.
She gets her best ideas when she is flying a plane, just as she is taking off. As this is not very convenient, her second favourite place is on top of high buildings (but she doesn't recommend this to anyone else!)
There are no wolf wilders in real life. However, there are lion wilders in Zimbabwe.
If you are thinking of names or ideas, often it is the FOURTH one that is the best.
She loves the English language. One tiny little mark on a page makes a big difference as in the following two sentences:
"You need to eat, Grandad." Kind.
"You need to eat Grandad." Unkind and illegal!
Independent Booksellers Week June 2016
Lisa Stubbs, author and illustrator of Lily and Bear came to the shop and showed children how she draws her pictures and develops her characters. Children were delighted to go home with the very own Lily and Bear pictures.
Steve Webb and Chris Mould author and illustrator of Spangles McNasty and the Fish of Gold visited Reinwood Junior School and St Thomas Primary School, Bradley and then had a great morning in the shop.
Elmer colouring competition
Elmer Day - May 2016
Elmer is 25 this year.
Walking with Words - Gail Richards from The Book Bus: April 2016
Gail is walking to raise awareness of the Book Bus charity which works in countries such as Zambia, Malawi and Ecuador to improve literacy. See for more information She is aiming to walk an average of 10km a day as this is the distance many children walk to school and back every day. She has called in at various literary places on her way including the Children's Bookshop and has worked in local schools. Follow her walk here and spot the bookworm!
Setting off fromTodmorden.
Calling in at Sowerby Bridge
Visiting the Bookshop
A Gruffalo? What's a Gruffalo?
34.4 km today - wow!!!
34.4 km today - wow!!!
"Out on the wild and windy moor" Bronte Country.
Heading for Hebden Bridge in the snow.
Back home in Mytholmroyd. Time to put your feet up Gail!
Oakworth Station - film location of The Railway Children by E Nesbit. 267.55km walked to date - keep going Gail.
Stepping stones at Hardcastle Crags. 297km walked, not many left to go.
By the canal. Much warmer now!
Gail's route. 322 km, 200 miles through sunshine and snow, mud and rain. Sharing stories and raising over £1300 and talking about the fantastic work of the Book Bus as she went. She visited schools, bookshops, museums. Fantastic. Well done Gail.
Pageturners Festival 2016
Author Helen Grant popped into the Bookshop
World Book Day 2016

We had a very busy day hosting Paddock Primary School all day. Many of the children dressed up as characters from books. We had Oompa Loompas, Princesses, Super Heroes, a cowboy, Cruella de Vil. Can you guess who Caroline and Nicola are?
After school we had lots of children visiting with their World Book Day vouchers. We hope you all enjoy reading your books.
After school we had lots of children visiting with their World Book Day vouchers. We hope you all enjoy reading your books.
Matilda the Book Bus came to visit
On World Book Day we hosted Matilda, the new Book Bus who will be travelling to Malawi in April. Lots of children came to see her to find out where she is going and what she will be doing.
Book Bus is a charity which works in the developing world, taking books around schools, running reading sessions and workshops and lending books and teaching resources to teachers. They are doing fabulous work. Check out their website Gail Richards is a volunteer who, after spending three weeks in Zambia, was inspired to raise money and awareness of the charity. She is doing a "Walking with Words" event in April when she will be visiting schools and the bookshop.
Book Bus is a charity which works in the developing world, taking books around schools, running reading sessions and workshops and lending books and teaching resources to teachers. They are doing fabulous work. Check out their website Gail Richards is a volunteer who, after spending three weeks in Zambia, was inspired to raise money and awareness of the charity. She is doing a "Walking with Words" event in April when she will be visiting schools and the bookshop.
Another Illustration of the Bookshop
When Ali O'Neill, illustrator, a good customer of ours, saw the illustration below, she also did an illustration of the shop which we love as well. Thank you Ali.
Reaching out over the sea.

This plopped onto my Facebook page recently. It's a lovely illustration of our bookshop and it came all the way from Argentina! The artist was looking on Google street view and found a Bookshop that sold children's illustrated books! So felt compelled to do this for us. Perhaps they don't have as many gorgeous picture books in Argentina as we do in Lindley. Hope you like it a much as we do.
.Civilised Saturday
Following Black Friday, before Christmas, the book trade hosted Civilised Saturday. The bookshop opened from 6 till 7pm for adults only with Prosecco and shortbread or cups of tea for those who prefer. Unfortunately the weather was far from civilised and not many came to sample the delights (the prosecco was not wasted!). Put it in your diaries for next year - I feel its worth another try!
Wally's Still on Holiday!
Halloween Spooktacular October 31st 2015
Preparations are underway!
Books are my Bag Saturday - October 10th 2015
Wally on Holiday - Summer 2015
Wally getting wet in the Lake District with Matilda and Beatrice Norwood (and Mr MacGregor).
Wally touring France and Luxembourg with the Spencer family. He visited Besancon which is twinned with Kirklees and is the home of Victor Hugo who wrote books (very long ones.)
Wally Week - 4th August 2015
A right load of Wallys!!!!!!!
Reading Matters Conference 2015 with guest authors Tom Palmer and Liz Pichon
Bookstall kindly provided by the Children's Bookshop
Joseph Delaney, author of Arena 13 visits Royds Hall Community School - July 2nd 2015
Celebrating 150 years of Alice in Wonderland - June 2015
Bookshop Re-opening - April 2015
Books are my bag - 2014
Read the Huddersfield Examiner report here.